
Driver Assistant iOS App


This is an example of an end-to-end object detection project.

We trained a yolov5s object detector on our dataset COCO Traffic to recognize objects typically encountered in traffic, so it can highlight objects such as pedestrians, red traffic lights or stop signs. Additionally, we calculate the speed from GPS data.


Flow chart of the workflow to develop the app.

  • Go here to learn more about how we made our dataset COCO Traffic.
  • Go here to read about our findings of false traffic light labels in the COCO dataset.
  • If you don't know how to start with COCO, here is a brief description of how to use it with the Python api.
  • This post gives some more explanation about how the app handles video inputs.


  • Detect objects in traffic such as the indication of traffic lights, stop signs, or pedestrians.
  • Pedestrians, red traffic lights and stop signs get highlighted.
  • Always displays the current speed at the top.

Project links

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